Healthcare’s Digital Renaissance: Pain or Prospect?

You don’t work as a Medical Device Sales Rep for more than decade without learning that attitude is everything. As we move into 2017 with new medical advancements everyday, you’ve got a choice to make. Are you going to view all of this change as obstacles getting in the way of your success? Or will you view them as opportunities to rise to the occasion? If you fall in the former camp, you might want to consider switching teams. Experts say that healthcare’s digital renaissance shows no signs of ending soon. (Buckle up, this train shows no signs of slowing or stopping!)

Get With the Times Grandpa

In today’s world of Facebook, LinkedIn, and CRM’s, you have to constantly tweak your approaches to….well, everything. Gone are the days where you could just check in with a handful of clients. Competition is fiercer than ever, so you’ve got to use every tool in your arsenal and that means adapting to the digital age. (I know what you’re thinking.  I was there too: “Digital Age? What is that?  I’ve done this job successfully for 15 years and NOW you want to change the way we work?”  Haven’t you ever heard, ”You don’t fix what ain’t broke!”  I see all these young kids, who are new to the industry, showing fancy apps to my customers on phones and I-Pad’s and they’re interested in them!  This new electronic stuff is driving me crazy! I’ve fought this as long as I can.)  Transfer from that roll-o-dex to your phone contacts. Use that $800 computer you speak into everyday as more than “just” a phone. It also means taking heed of what top medical industry techies are predicting when it comes to medical technology.

High Tech Humans

You would think that a transition to a more tech focused economy would include the exclusion of humans (like we sales reps). No need to fear: your job is more important than ever.

As we move into Web 3.0, Cohen adds that “the world of connective and predictive intelligence — patients will no longer seek out all the information on their condition; they will look for just the right information, personalized to their situation. Patients need to be able to trust the information is credible and accurate. And while a part of the next wave will be highly technical, the complementary part will be highly human. They will want to engage with healthcare professionals in more frequent, yet shorter interactions, balancing the technical with the personable.”

What does this mean for your business? It means that, whether you like it or not, you’ve got to stay technically relevant AND charismatic AND knowledgeable AND compassionate AND proactive AND….well, you get the picture. Folks, this is one of those times where you sit back and think, “Do I want to learn all this new stuff or fight my manager, my team and my whole company really? OR, I can embrace the idea of mastering all of this digital technology.  What would those young kids in the industry do if I had all of my experience AND their new gadgets? They don’t stand a chance.”  Yes, it’s a demanding job, but that’s what keeps you hungry for more.

Adapting to the changing world of medical sales repping doesn’t have to be rocket science. You can take one huge leap into the future with one quick step: using the ProSellus app. Not only can you more easily keep track of clients, you can utilize their networks of connections to grow your business and pursue opportunities efficiently and effectively. Want more info? Of course you do – email me at



All-in-One Advancements for Medical Sales Reps

Trending: All-in-One Advancements

Quick! Think of your all time favorite accessory. Was it a pocket knife? A smartphone? Maybe it was just your favorite travel mug that keeps hot coffee blazing and iced coffee chilled. What’s the one thing all of those products have in common: multi-tasking. They also happen to be entirely portable (ignoring the fact that smartphones require charging cables). This isn’t just a trend in accessories or movies (apparently). It’s happening in healthcare, too.

A Field Medic’s Plug ‘n’ Play Solution

We live in an age where you can instantly connect with someone halfway across the world. You can also create 3D printed limbs and potentially heal wounds using synthetic polymers. One of the latest incredible innovations is the DOT Telemedicine backpack by swyMed. This all-in-one tool combines everything a physician might need with the power of connectivity. This means you can connect with someone quickly to render a diagnosis or to provide medical help. With 15 hours of battery life and secure connections, this backpack instantly links doctors to any patient. Hmm…having power at your fingertips…that sounds familiar.

The Multitasking “Must Have” for Medical Sales Reps

Similarly to the swyMed DOT Telemedicine backpack, the ProSellus Software System seeks to streamline the process of forming connections and other duties of Healthcare Sales Reps. After all, data means nothing if you can’t organize and implement it.  How many times as an Executive at a Healthcare Firm or a Salesperson at one of these firms were you sent a 450,000 row Excel document with the directions to “filter” appropriately to find the best targets?  This may be a big secret to the marketing folks who sent this information but the reality is, most reps never open the document.  As soon as they see an Excel attachment they immediately begin to feel the anxiety or embarrassment of not know what to do with this huge (in their minds) file.  You see, that’s not what we salespeople do.  We don’t slice and dice Excel or CSV files.  We talk to people.  We detail customers. We use maps and “Waze” on our phones and tablets to get us where we need to go.  Excel and CSV is NOT what we do.  So, unfortunately, all that data that you think is just unbelievably  great and there’s NO WAY we can’t make our number because of all this great “data” you sent us; yeah, it never gets opened, much less filtered.

With ProSellus you can put all that “unbelievable” data to work for you in the form of actionable intelligence and sales acceleration. What a novel idea… Let’s put data in a format that is intuitive and makes sense to salespeople.  I mean, they are after all the people who is actually going to put it to use right?

A day in the life of a medical sales rep is never the same, but it’s always an adventure. Learn how to take control of the social networks of your current clients to grow your business. If the brainchild of Salesforce and LinkedIn sounds like a party to you, you need ProSellus in your life. Email me at and let’s explore your growth possibilities.


Technology in Medical Sales: Is it worth the Sales Rep’s Time?

We talk a great deal about things like actionable intelligence, big data, and using the best tools available to you, but cutting edge technology has its drawbacks…right? Some advancements can completely revolutionize how an aspect of healthcare is practiced. However, it takes time for any industry to fully integrate even the smallest of innovations. The early adopters are ALWAYS the ones to see the biggest benefits. So, what makes a tool positively disruptive in today’s medical world?

Integration, Mobility, and Accessibility

Those three words right there are pure magic in the medical world in 2017. Just think about it: everything is interconnected. You have Google Drive on your phone. You can send iMessages from your Macbook. You can print anything via WiFi. While some are working on devices straight out of Star Trek, others are hard at work on advancing prosthetics. Of course, for something to be truly innovative, it MUST hit all three of those magic check marks.

Patient monitoring programs and apps have been booming in healthcare currently. These programs allow doctors to collect patient data and patient vitals remotely and ultimately cut healthcare costs while increasing access to care.

– ePharma Summit Blog

Technology is no doubt helping advance medicine, however – what about the healthcare sales industry? How many times have you sat there and said, wow, this would be great if this new tool or widget did “X”, which more than likely isn’t anything a software engineer would’ve thought of when they were making your current “sales acceleration” product.  Right?  How many of these products, which were designed “for you,” were actually created by people “like you”?  Newsflash: none of them.  The overwhelming majority of “sales” tools were created by people who aren’t “salespeople”.   I see a gap… it’s shocking… I know!

So, What’s the Deal With 2017?

That ePharma article we linked above had this to say about non-physical tools: “Medical apps and technologies are helping save hospital costs and make healthcare more accessible.” But that focus lies on consumers and healthcare facilities. If the Star Trek inspired XPrize is geared toward consumers, ProSellus is a similar tool for sales reps. Combining the most pragmatic aspects of integration, mobility, and accessibility, this tool is a heavy lifter.  Utilizing this three-pronged approach to all of your data and client relationships, you can easily organize, monitor, access, and implement information. There’s those three check marks again: integration, mobility, and accessibility. (Oh yeah… and created “for you”, by people “like you.”  We’re salespeople too. Sssssshhhhhh, don’t tell anyone! It’s a big secret! But, what a novel idea: Let’s create a sales tool for salespeople made by, wait, you guessed it, salespeople.  A novel idea if I do say so myself!)

If you aren’t using ProSellus, you’re about 10,000 steps behind your competitors. Take control of all the data at your fingertips and use it to grow your business. Email me at to begin learning about sales acceleration techniques that can exponentially increase efficiency in your business. You don’t get anywhere in the medical sales rep industry by just working hard. Work smarter with ProSellus and, we promise, this technology will be well worth your time – and in fact, take very little of it to help you succeed.



Improve Your Bottom Line in 3 Easy Steps

Let me say this – For almost 15 years labored in the “old ways” of healthcare sales. I spent long hours crunching numbers anywhere I could find them, performing my own manual research the best way I knew how and knocked on doors to expand my market. And believe me, IT WORKED, but at one point I thought to myself, “Why isn’t there an easier or faster way to do this? Is this why there are the “1%’ers” in this and every other industry?  Is this the hard work that separates them from the rest of the pack?”

Finally I realized: “It’s the 21st century. Isn’t it time I started using all the tools available to me (and some I didn’t know existed) to enhance my business? If there really is an ‘easy’ button, shouldn’t I go ahead and push it?”  Seriously folks, why work hard when you can work smart… right? In 3 easy steps, I put “big data” to work for me to rapidly boost my revenue’s, visibility, and build my physician network. Many industries have incorporated the critical analysis of data into its business plans. But just how can all these metrics work for an individual or sales company?

Start With The Basics

Before we get too far down the yellow brick road, let’s talk about what “data” actually means. (And let’s face it, if you’re anything like me you’ve heard your company’s marketing team refer to “the data” and what all it “says” and “does”. However, personally, I’ve never had one of these marketing folks actually talk about “the data” in a way that actually made sense to me and in a way I could actually use it to help drive business. So usually, my eyes just glazed over and I watched them talk, no words ever sinking in…  But nevertheless, back to what data actually is…)

Data refers to any collected statistics, metrics, or insights into a particular industry, service, or platform (generally). It can range from how diabetics monitor the glucose levels in their blood to how predictive analytics can help battle a brewing opioid crisis. You might think “data” only refers to how many hits a day your LinkedIn or Facebook page gets, but it is so much more than that. Data can also uncover underlying value within a certain business with regards to performance, patterns and relationships.  Data can potentially make or break your business, but more importantly, understanding your data make or break your business. If you don’t pay attention to the data, you will fall short. Data is everything these days and it’s only going to become more powerful to a business’s competitive arsenal.

Now, let’s start down the road. The first step to improving your bottom line is to analyze your current list of clients. You can do this with just a few easy metrics: quantity, quality, and connections. Performing this analysis allows you to determine how each client is most valuable to you and how to maximize the returns on your investment in them as clients. (We’ve all heard our managers at one time or another refer to the “ROI” of your activities with your customers.  Most of us would roll our eyes and think, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, just watch how much he/she does next month…” However by performing this quick analysis you can see ROI starting to take shape.)  

If one practitioner doesn’t buy the most product from you, but has an extensive network of connections and potential customers, they might be worth the effort after all. In fact, on that last point, if they do have this network of connections – maybe you can tap into it FOR your client. Now here is a thought – take one extra step and deepen the connection for your customer with members of their network and further solidify your own customer relationship.

Do you Really Need 3 Steps?

Secondly, you want to look at the products you represent and how each is performing. Which ones are in demand and which ones are stagnating? Better yet, do the research to find out about innovations in the fields of your best clients. Staying on top of the adaptation of new tools like the app for brain injuries known as “Constant Therapy” is the only way you won’t fall behind.

Thirdly, you want  to communicate all of this in an effective and persuasive manner. That means studying which techniques work best for certain physicians or even clients in certain specialties of the medical industry. Just thinking about cataloging all of that is stressful. I took hours upon hours to gathering intel on, not only my customer’s specialty but also their referring networks’ specialties. Talk about exhausting! But, I was hungry. And while I mention being hungry, I would imagine every person who answers the phone when a recruiter calls and says, “I have an opening you may be interested in” is hungry too. Hungry for YOUR JOB.

I went through all of it: the long hours, the hard work, the nodding off in the middle of typing a sentence. I knew there had to be a better way, which is where ProSellus came from. The first of its kind, ProSellus is a revolutionary app that puts big data to work for you in the palm of your hand. Utilize the latest in sales, sales acceleration, sales enablement and networking strategies to boost your profits and efficiency with the click of a button. Translating numbers into actionable intelligence is easy with ProSellus. Want more info on how to transform your healthcare sales business? Email and be sure to read more of our blogs for constant updates on new tools and technologies.


A Day in the Life of the Medical Sales Rep

It’s 5 AM. Your alarm goes off and you hop into the shower, groggily rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. As you stand in the shower and let the hot water wake you, your mind begins racing thinking about your day.  You think about all the things you need to get accomplished today and how in the world you’re going to make your quota by the end of the month, which gets closer day by day.

You dress to impress (which if you’re like a lot of medical device reps means you throw on a pair of scrubs), quickly check email on your phone to make sure nothing has changed in the middle of the night for your surgery schedule, grab a bar or some sort of quick breakfast and you’re out the door racing to your first case.  Unfortunately, your mind hasn’t slowed since the  alarm went off, it’s only sped up.

You might know it well: the daily life of a medical sales rep. But, what if your well-oiled, constantly changing  daily routine is missing something that could drastically improve the most important aspect of your business (making or exceeding quota)?  Hint: if you are reading this wondering, “Am I missing something? Could I make this easier?”  You more than likely are missing something if those thoughts even remotely crossed your mind. You should definitely keep reading.

Just an Ordinary Day

Whether you’re a coffee, tea, energy drink, or sans caffeine person, no day is complete without creating goals on a to-do list and deciding what to DO. This can be daunting sometimes, especially when you factor in the ever-changing line-up of your cases at the Hospital or ASC – hence the added courage of caffeine – but every successful sales rep knows that organization is one of the keys to success.

PharmaWeb lays out not only a definition of what a medical sales rep is, but also what they should do.

A medical representative is employed by a pharmaceutical (or… medical device, bio-tech or distributor of products) company to maximise the prescribing of that pharmaceutical company’s products in a geographical area. There are no strict formula for how to maximise product prescribing – hard work is only part of the story and often working smarter is the key to success. This is why pharmaceutical companies are constantly looking for candidates who have the ability to think (and then put into practice) new ways of approaching sales opportunities. As an experienced representative you will know your territory, know your customers and have a clear idea which part of your territory offers the highest potential for sales. You set yourself clear objectives for every day that you work and will know exactly what you want to achieve from each customer visit.

Sound familiar? If only it were that straight-forward in the real world…

The daily task of meeting with physicians, hospitals and administrators  while maintaining all of these customer relationships is more than half the battle. Sometimes, it’s probably the majority of your day, and at the end of a day like that you have to ask yourself, “Did I do what I needed to do today to really move the needle and get closer to achieving my ever-growing quota?” Did I really do anything to help “Dr. Jones” put more patients in the pipeline for my “product, therapy, prescription, etc?”  How in the world can I do that when I have 15 balls in the air trying to juggle them all and I’m caught up not doing the things I need to be doing to move the needle forward?

Often, you might feel like you have too many things to do in one business day. That’s why planning is an essential part of every sales rep’s daily routine.

Can ProSellus Revolutionize Your Life?

Product demos and sales meetings can be stressful and  time consuming, but they need to take place. Some customers require more care than others just as some clients require a firmer hand than others when it comes to recommending equipment or markets to potentially expand to. The reality is that if you’re an “A” player in this industry, your customers look at you much more like a consultant than “John” or “Mary” the medical/pharma rep. They ask you questions that are far beyond the scope of the products you represent it seems quite ludicrous.  For example:  “I love your product and it really helps my patients, but what about all the patients I don’t see?  What about all the patients who could benefit from this product or therapy?  How can we educate them or their managing physicians about the wonderful therapy available today?”

The above question seems to be the #1 thing that came up during my time as a device rep.  Where are all the patients and how can we let them know about “XYZ” product or therapy?  Initially it seemed pretty daunting.  How in the world was I, a device rep running around like a chicken with its head cut off, going to possibly take on this task? Many device and pharma company’s marketing departments provide information to hospitals or physicians for “outreach” programs where mailer’s are sent out letting the community know that “Dr. X” will be speaking Tuesday night at “The Steak House” about advancements in treating “XYZ”.  After a month of planning, securing “The Steak House’s” private room, putting down a sizeable deposit, inviting as many physicians in the area as we can, we wait to see who shows up…

And we wait…

And we wait…

After 3 physicians of the 64 we invited have a seat we decide to start.  No one really knows who these 3 physicians are or what kind of patients they actually see.  They just got a blast fax or an invite and thought, “Sounds interesting maybe, I’ll go…”  The physician who presents the material is very happy you and your company went through the effort to arrange the opportunity, however, no one leaves very impressed. It was a flop.

Unfortunately, this is the result more times than not.  Sometimes a good amount of docs appear, sometimes not, but was it really worth the time, money and effort to set all of this up? If you’ve been in this business for any length of time I bet you’re laughing to yourself saying, “Yep, complete waste of time…”

So, in today’s ever-evolving, fast-paced workday how are you supposed to help your customers grow and gain the single thing they want more than anything else? Patients. How do you do that in a timely, efficient, effective manner?

What if you knew exactly who the most valuable customer targets were each day? What if you could easily view data on your customers, potential customers, potential referral sources etc. from the front seat of your car all in a matter of seconds?

You might have heard the buzzword “actionable intelligence” thrown around some PowerPoints, but it’s a real thing and you are doing it totally wrong. ProSellus is your first step into making the big world of Big Data work FOR you instead of creating extra work for you.

You can find plenty of articles about habits of highly effective sales reps, but none of them will mention the medical sales rep’s best tool. ProSellus is the best of social media and customer management, seamlessly integrating data and strategy to make your business leaner, more effective, and more profitable. How could ProSellus revolutionize your daily routines? Check us out at and see how we can revolutionize your medical sales business!

Establishing Value Leads to Establishing Relationships

One of the hardest parts about becoming a successful Healthcare Sales Rep is maintaining the relationships which power your business. As we discussed in one of our recent blogs about how to enhance your sales process, there is a formula for perfecting your sales business, and one of the requirements is crafting true value for the customer which leads to relationships that last.

Perhaps the most difficult part of any sales rep’s job is creating value for a new or recurring client in a world full of competitors who are all fighting for the one procedure you happen to compete against. Part of the reason so many Healthcare Sales Reps struggle with creating value is because they are viewing value through the wrong lens… their lens and not their customers’ lens.

Creating Value

True story: The overwhelming majority of salespeople who we train and meet with still typically answer the following question the same:

Question to the salesperson: “Do you create value for your customer and, if you do, what value are you creating?”

Salesperson: “Of course I do! I bring value to my customers by always being 3 steps ahead. I’m always prepared. I’m always on time and I always have all of the equipment that we may or may not use in our case. And…. I bring lunch to the customers office at least twice a month!” 

I’m not kidding. I worked side by side with them for 15 years and I continue to train them today. These salespeople, who work at both large and small healthcare companies, answer that question EXACTLY the same. In their eyes, that is how you bring value to the customer. Most have never stopped to ask what really is important.

News Flash folks: The above answer (I’m prepared, I’m on time, I’m always 3 steps ahead) is nothing more than the price of admission to the game.  Customers in this industry expect those things!  Those things are the BARE MINIMUM! If you can’t at least do those things, you’ll never get a single case with a doc.

So, we ask again, how do you bring value? Real value. Value that matters.

The answer: “…crickets….”

They’re lost. Everything they’ve been told is important, suddenly doesn’t matter anymore and they are completely lost.

Ok, ok, ok. I’ll stop beating the dead horse. If you’ve been in this business for any length of time and you’ve done well, you know the answer. Why? Because you’ve asked the right questions.

But, and this is a significant but, what if you could bring value that matters to your customer and your good ole’ competitor was still talking about what really didn’t matter? You think you might sell some more widgets? Just maybe?

Relationships are the Foundation

Sales reps need to be able to get inside the minds of their customers in order to truly understand what it is they care about and desire. There is a significant difference between what you ‘think’ your customer needs and what they ‘actually’ care about. You need to spend the time to understand the difference. If you can do this, you will lay the foundation for building true customer value. I would even go as far to say that if you could not only understand what your customers truly need, but how to deliver that over and over again – that your competitors will become obsolete over time.

Don’t let your sales business suffer because you can’t keep up! ProSellus is your “easy button” to answering the question of value for any client. You can also build references and a network of referrals to create intrinsic value in your services as a sales rep. In short, everything you need to win is in this little mobile tool called Linx. It was built by sales reps FOR sales reps. Email me at and let’s talk about how we can help you create this value and build your customer relationships effectively and efficiently.

Top Chef 1

Be the “Top Chef” in Healthcare Sales

Any seasoned sales rep – regardless of industry – will tell you that they have a perfected sales formula.  Well, that’s what they’ll tell you or any manager who asks, but realistically speaking it’s probably NOT written down, nor is it transferable.  It’s probably more along the lines of, “This is just what I do, and how I’ve done it for ‘X’ years and have been successful.” While it may only have a 99% success rate (realistically, more like 50 – 85%), it can always be improved. Before rocketing into the realm of advanced sales techniques, let’s examine the basic step-by-step sales process for your average rep.

  1. Make contact & Build Rapport
  2. Ask prospective client about their need (Questions, Question, Questions)
  3. Introduce and explain product/service and how it fits their need
  4. Establish rational desire and emotional need
  5. Close the deal

Uh….what is this exactly?

This is a formula, a to-do list, a dull and boring recipe. A recipe for failure if you ask me, and to throw a little salt on the wounded ego’s out there reading this, your prospect, ya’ know, the person you’re trying to turn into a cash-paying customer, they’ve seen it a million times and they’re tired of it.  Quite frankly, most brand-new, straight out of college sales reps are taught something really similar to the above “Formula”, and not surprisingly the majority fail.

Do the Top Chefs in the world follow recipes by the book? I think not. They add flavor, innovation, and creativity. The Best Chefs think “outside the box”. I mean, they have to these days to even make a name for themselves. Sure, there are some that are experts at the tried and true recipes, but most need an edge in order to shake things up in the industry. The same goes for sales reps, especially in the healthcare industry.

To be a “Top Chef” in the healthcare sales industry, one must think 5 steps ahead of his or her customer physician in order to build and own that loyalty. There is so much competition in this arena, you can no longer simply take your doctors out to dinner or to a “course” somewhere and expect there to be any loyalty.  At best you may be able to START the process of building some rapport. You certainly cannot expect to beat your competition based on product features and benefits, or what you’ve always thought of as bringing value.  The value you think you bring really isn’t nearly as valuable as you once thought.  (More on bringing value in a future post)

So what is a sales rep to do? Has anyone thought of another way to appeal to the customer? Is there a tool to support that? You bet there is.

More Than Just Strategies

There is a crucial difference between sales processes and sales methodologies. Employing both in your techniques will increase your engagement numbers (and revenue). Sales methodologies include how you approach the entire sales process. Are you a more aggressive salesperson or do you approach your clients with a more empathetic approach? Do you really think about what the customer cares about and keeps them up at night?  Maybe you should think about how to create more value for your customer other than by offering your hot new product. Identifying which approach works best for which customer might be your best option for maximizing territory and revenue.  And the legit “A” players of the sales world are chameleons. They can turn a different color in a matter of seconds based on the posture, tone, look, feel, answers to questions they receive from customers or even staff members of the customer. They can turn on a dime.

Beyond implementing sales methodologies though, you must also depend on management support. Unfortunately, communication breakdowns can lead to missed calls, misunderstandings and ultimately missed opportunities which can ultimately change the trajectory of your business. Relationship management within your own team matters almost as much as your client relationship management.

While all of the above is much better than simply following the earlier “list” or “recipe” of a sales process, it is still not enough to break away from the herd of sales people these days. Sure, while having solid methodologies and innovative approaches will help differentiate yourself and potentially create more value for a customer, there is still one unresolved issue – it has to do with speed and how fast you can close the deal.

Using Sales Acceleration Tools to Enhance Results

No matter which sales process or methodology you may ascribe to, you won’t get too far without using the right tools – sales acceleration tools to be precise. Think about how much you would rock your territory if you not only offered the one thing your customer really cared about, but you were also able to access that one thing instantaneously from a mobile app?  Think about how much time in the field you would spend actually SELLING versus SEARCHING? Take the painstaking and laborious task of finding and tracking physician referrals: What if you could completely streamline that massive network with ProSellus Linx? “Actionable Intelligence” is not just some fancy buzzword. It’s a brand new reality few sales reps know how to embrace and conquer. Take your first steps and email me at for your step-by-step process to revolutionize your sales strategies, break away from the herd once and for all, and finally become the sought after “Top Chef” in your territory.

ProSellus, Inc. – One of Houston’s fastest growing healthcare software startups announces partnership with Redhouse Associates


HOUSTON, TX – 03/06/17 – ProSellus, Inc., one of Houston’s fastest growing healthcare software startups, today announced a partnership with Redhouse Associates, one of Houston’s most successful startup accelerator teams.  ProSellus will work closely with the Redhouse to accelerate product development, add functionality to its existing products and prepare it for future growth. Currently, the ProSellus Linx™ Tool serves the healthcare sales industry, particularly medical devices that have a need to target the right physicians quickly, build networks effectively, and grow revenue exponentially. ProSellus Linx™ is a sales acceleration tool that directly impacts revenue for the busy healthcare sales person by utilizing massive amounts of critical healthcare data and delivering it into an easy-to-use mobile tool. ProSellus Linx™ is on track to disrupt the sales tactic status-quo and pioneer a new way to improve the bottom line.

“With our product only having been on the market for 6 months, we have managed to build a solid customer base with several major medical device corporations. This new partnership with Redhouse Associates will enable us to continue on our growth trajectory and expand into other markets.” said Scott Walle, the Founder and CEO of ProSellus. “The exceptional caliber and management expertise of RedHouse Associates is a tremendous asset to the ProSellus team. We are excited about the market opportunity and believe that Redhouse Associates will help accelerate our growth.”

“After our first meeting with ProSellus, it was clear that they are able to deliver a sales acceleration solution to the medical device sales industry that is revolutionary and unprecedented,” said Doug Erwin of Redhouse Associates. “The founders of ProSellus are proven entrepreneurs and we are excited about the size of the market, the potential sales pipeline, and reference-able customer base. We feel that this type of technology will not only apply to the medical device industry, but other industries in the future.”

About ProSellus, Inc.

ProSellus, Inc. is a pioneer of the next healthcare sales revolution. We are veteran medical device sales leaders who have turned a proven networking methodology into a sales acceleration solution which is unparalleled in the marketplace and will impact medical device and pharmaceutical sales businesses like never before. The ProSellus Linx™ Software System is designed to empower healthcare companies to connect their physicians to business growth opportunities. It is the first solution built to aggregate complex healthcare data which helps sales professionals build networks effectively while in the field. By utilizing ProSellus Linx™, healthcare sales companies will not only differentiate themselves from the competition, but create a significant competitive advantage while accelerating revenue growth.

About RedHouse Associates, LLC 

RedHouse Associates provides strategic advice and services to assist clients in developing business plans, devising product strategies, growing sales organizations, preparing senior management teams for interaction with investors, and advise our on raising capital and strategic exits.  Visit for more information.


Healthcare Sales: How to nail your territory

You already know how ProSellus can augment and streamline your healthcare sales business. Whether you’re new to the game or a grizzled veteran (like me), you know there are certain key strategies even big data can’t replace. We touched on a few things in our Beginner’s Guide to Marketing, so consider this the next chapter in that same direction. Of course, for some of us, it might just be a much needed refresher course!

Three Core Traits All Sales Reps Should Have (to be successful!)

Psst: we are going to let you in on a few secrets – all successful reps seem to have 3 key traits when running their business. The first one is effective listening. If you don’t actually hear what your potential client is telling you, you could miss a very important opportunity and ultimately lose a sale. As a sales person, I was told a million times, “You were given two ears and one mouth for a reason; use them proportionately.”

The second key trait is the ability to create meaningful relationships and challenge the customer to think differently. Some people might tell you that formal sales training matters more than interpersonal skills, but they’d be wrong. Beyond the ability to be well-liked or hold a conversation, you have to learn how to forge lasting bonds of trust with your clients. If they trust your business acumen, integrity, and ability to be a significant resource, you can build anything with them.

The third key trait is one you’ve probably heard a million times: organization and goal setting. The old saying “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” goes triple for the work of sales reps. With the amount of accounts, information, and numbers you have to maintain and monitor, strong planning abilities and an affinity for color coding are pivotal for any sales rep.

I can’t stress the last key trait enough, Planning & Goal Setting, because this may be one of the most important habits you can create in order to be a dominating force in the Healthcare Sales Industry.

As I mentioned before one of the significant challenges associated with planning is there are SO MANY MOVING PARTS to running a successful healthcare sales territory!  Just take a snapshot for a quick second and think about how many accounts you have to manage, both physicians and facilities (hospitals, surgery centers, etc), coupled with all the tasks for each!  Now, if you’re really successful you know how to connect the dots of customers to potential referring customers and after a quick few weeks it’s a tangled web you can’t control… But what if you could? What if you could literally control the market? What would that possibly look like to your territory then?

The Second Ultimate Secret Weapon

ProSellus is your ultimate secret weapon when it comes to selling strategies. But you can’t reap the full benefits of this amazing product without pairing it with the second ultimate secret weapon: realistic expectations and goals. We touched briefly on the importance of goal setting, but you have to run before you can teleport. Realistic goal setting applies in two ways: with yourself and with your clients. You need to be honest with yourself about how many things you can accomplish in a day. Once you’ve identified what you CAN accomplish, add two or three more things to that list. You know the saying, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll be among the stars” – that’s the idea here. Then, you need to be realistic about your clients. A physician with a small, family-focused practice won’t be interested in the same opportunities as a large scale business.

There are more tips and tricks to identify, of course, but this is merely chapter two in our ever evolving Beginner’s Guide to Everything. If you’d love to learn more about how ProSellus can upgrade your healthcare sales arsenal, email me at Let’s discuss your present, but, more importantly, your future using actionable intelligence to improve profits and efficiency.


You Snooze… You Lose

Being ‘old school’ with technology can be the kiss of death

During the press conference to announce NOKIA being acquired by Microsoft, Nokia CEO ended his speech by saying,  “We didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost.”  Upon saying this, his management team, himself included, teared sadly. Nokia has been a respectable company. They didn’t do anything wrong in their business, however, the world changed too fast and their opponents were too powerful. They lost.

The moral of the story is one which has been told thousands of times – You Snooze, You Lose.  Technology is a moving target these days folks, and if corporations don’t consistently, and I mean consistently, keep up with the innumerable amount of tools available to help achieve revenues, and use them, then they simply will be left behind.

The competition is already fierce, don’t be old school.

A tale which is also often heard, is that the Healthcare Sales Industry is behind the times when it comes to leveraging new sales technologies.  We hear the terms “prehistoric operations” or “dinosaur tactics” when it comes to how a lot of these companies run marketing, business development and sales. In stark contrast, we continually hear about the latest CRM’s, Marketing Automation platforms, SEO companies, Social Media platforms, and Inbound/Outbound strategies. It’s quite dizzying when you really pay attention.  So, my question is really pretty simple: Who’s buying all of this tech stuff?

Many companies are leveraging some form of automation as part of their “Tech Stack” or outsourcing agency assistance as part of their Go-To-Marketing strategy.  Why wouldn’t you? Why would you continue to travel via horse when cars are available? Sure, the horse works and he can get you from point A to point B – but the car can do the same thing, in a faster, more efficient way. It’s a no-brainer. So, why are these dinosaur tactics still around?

I believe one of the biggest reasons a lot of companies and salespeople operate in prehistoric times is resistance to change. The world changes, yet for whatever reason, it takes some folks a lot longer to change with it. Then you see the unfortunate result, just as Nokia did. Dust.

It could have been avoided. In fact, if you are in the medical device industry, you had better already be in the process of stepping up your game.  According to Morgan Phillips Executive Search, “The medical device industry is one the biggest industries in the $3.2 trillion global healthcare sector. The last decade has seen the industry go through a big shift, driven by innovation and new technologies.” The complex nature of the sales process for medical devices makes it very difficult to build and deliver a meaningful experience.  They are increasingly figuring out innovative ways to build compelling experiences while building credibility with their customer physicians.

Bridging the Sales Gap

While these sales folks are becoming more and more adept at utilizing new sales and marketing technologies, a gap still exists in the process. This void lies somewhere between a sales rep being handed a list of physicians to call upon and delivering an over-quota performance. Can you guess what lies inside this gap? I can.  In my 15 years of medical device selling, I managed to bridge that gap manually. I took my manual processes and automated them into a dynamic mobile solution. The ProSellus Linx Tool is innovative and revolutionary to the healthcare sales world. Reach out to me at and let me show you how leave the dinosaurs in the past where they belong.

Remember, if you ignore the new ways to increase your competitiveness in the sales industry, you might as well look for a new career. Like Nokia…you will turn to dust and, quite possibly, so will your company.
