
Newly Launched “Desktop” Dashboard & Management Module for Sales Teams

ProSellus originally aimed our product at medical device sales reps, whether you were an independent rep or working for a large corporation.  Being a veteran sales rep myself, I wanted to design a product for a vastly underserved market, the actual salespeople. In our last blog we covered why sales people loathe CRMs so much, so if you need a primer on why and how ProSellus came to be, there ya go!

While planning and developing our new functions and features, we wanted to expand our audience from individuals to teams and businesses. Every salesperson should have access to a tool specifically designed for their success, don’t you think? (And quite frankly, the big box CRM’s don’t really “fit” this market…)

From the Palm of Your Hand Right to Your Desktop


The best part of our desktop version: you can access ALL of the features from our original mobile app + streamlined analytics and reporting!

While it is helpful for your average sales rep to have a powerful all-in-one tool on-the-go, integration is the name of the game in 2018. With the added capability to track your individual territory or your entire team on a desktop, you can more aggressively approach new areas with a more strategic mindset.

The move to cross-platform also informs our expansion to include the “management module” for sales teams and their leaders.

The Best of CRMs, Social Media, & Data Management

One of the biggest headaches I had as a sales rep was how many damn programs and tools I needed on a daily basis. Even as part of a team, I had to use upwards of 10 things a day to track sales, project new sales, connect with clients, etc. (It was a nightmare!)

Interestingly enough, I spoke to a large biotech company just last week that used FIVE (yes FIVE) different software tools to do the following:

1) Track interactions with customers

2) Find new customers

3) Schedule (Calendar) events

4) Record & Track Revenue

5) Have Marketing Information or Clinical Cheat Sheets available and viewable

Seriously, why would you use and pay for FIVE tools when you can do all with just ONE?

The management dashboard of our ProSellus sales enablement tool employs everything from our base model, along with several additions:

  • Network views
  • Tracking team quotas, sales forecasts, and actuals on a month-month basis every year
  • Productivity tracking
  • Custom reporting (finally!)
  • Access to data to find the right physicians at the right time
  • Organization of and access to valuable relationship information

This is just a short list off the top of my head. Custom reporting has to be one of the most exciting parts though. No need to sift through mountains of data, spreadsheets, or sales reports. You can pull it up with a few quick clicks or short swipes.

Interest in a more in-depth demo? Email and let’s talk all things medical device sales. Or we can just complain about CRMs some more…

P.S.: Coming soon (like… real soon)

  • Phone Integration… (Full utilization + Call, email, and text from the app)
  • Calendar Incorporation…
  • Actual and Scheduled Revenue including PO Management and much more…



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5 Reasons Why Salespeople Hate CRMs So Much

Why Do Salespeople Hate CRMs So Much?

CRMs (aka customer relationship management) is an integral part of any salesperson’s job, even though lots of us don’t think of it as a process or “something we do….”.  After all, if you don’t maintain a relationship with your clients, you can’t close deals, you can’t build a referral network. Guess what? None of this happens – you are out of a job…

Most CRMs such as Salesforce, Zoho, or Insightly might work for some industries or marketing teams, and they are very effective for the job they are intended to do.  But for field-based, always-on-the-go salespeople? It’s a totally different ball game. It isn’t even the same sport.

That’s why there are five reasons why salespeople hate CRMs.

Oh, and take it from me, as a former device salesperson, we had to limit to five. For many of my former colleagues as well as the sales reps I don’t know personally, the list doesn’t stop at five.  If we missed your reason, let us know in the comments!

Reason #1: It’s Time-Consuming As All Get Out

Well, I don’t need to tell you how annoying and time consuming it is to fill in up to 98 required fields before moving on to a new task. 95 of those 98 required fields have absolutely nothing to do with the “relationship”.

When you have meetings all day, new products and services to learn inside and out, and any kind of personal life, data entry is not high on the list of priorities.

Data entry isn’t even on the list! Selling is top priority period.

image of George Orwell's Big Brother from 1984 for ProSellus blog 5 Reasons Why Salespeople Hate CRMs So Much

Getty Images/Larry Ellis

Reason #2: The “Big Brother” Effect

If working as a part of a team, CRMs are often used as a resource management system. But, salespeople with managers can often feel the “Big Brother” effect – that they are being unduly spied on or monitored. This can affect morale and performance in detrimental ways that can hinder overall career progress.

But let’s go ahead and totally unpack this. WHY is this a concern? And, let me be transparent, I was definitely one of those people.

I would say to myself, “I’ve worked here “X” number of years; I’ve won every award there is to win. Why on Earth do I need to fill out these 98 required fields?”

If my employer at the time had given me something that allowed me to collect beneficial information or streamlined workflows, I would have used it. I wouldn’t care if someone from corporate was looking at it if, at the end of the day, it helped me do my job better. But….it didn’t.

So, like receipts I don’t need and so many lost pens….to the floorboard of my car you go CRM!

P.S. This issue relates to reason #5 on this list.

Reason #3: I Shouldn’t Have to Share Information I Don’t Need To Share

Whether it’s because the size of the sale doesn’t necessitate the full gamut of info or the sales rep being protective of their leads, CRMs force information sharing. As Yesware contends, some companies even go so far as to claim that, because the sales rep is using software paid for by the company, the contact “belongs” to them.

Not only is that a flawed concept, it strips a sales rep of the “agency being” a sales rep requires.

While collaborative work environments are great for some jobs, sales is all about closing deals and making relationships. If someone on your team has competing goals with you, information becomes your biggest commodity.  

After all, having information and knowledge is the same as having power. Right? The person who holds both, holds the cards in a given geography. It’s their leverage, right?

That’s one of the biggest reasons why CRMs fail salespeople: you can’t harness the power of the information in a substantial and practical way.

image of salespeople trying to make sales go up for ProSellus blog 5 Reasons Why Salespeople Hate CRMs So Much

Reason #4: Forecasting Inaccuracies

This is a huge deal breaker for sales reps. Forecasting is essential to our line of work. Without tools to accurately project sales numbers, we can’t plan ahead. We can’t do our jobs.

But what’s worse — not being able to make sales projections or making INACCURATE sales projections? Arguably, incorrect forecasts are more harmful than a lack of them. Most CRMs use a linear function to predict the “Probability To Close”, as David Brock points out. This is flat out wrong.

The big box CRM wants me, the healthcare salesperson, to attach a percent probability of closing a “deal” as a result of the “step” of the selling process I’m in with the physician?  

If I sold capital equipment or one-time deals, this would work, but these physicians do cases every day! This process makes NO SENSE in my line of work…So, tell me again how I am supposed to “forecast” appropriately when the software you give me doesn’t make sense for my industry?

Second or third meetings don’t guarantee a close just like current clients won’t buy everything you pitch them. But, all of these reasons are just symptoms of a greater cause. That’s reason #5.

Reason #5: Square Pegs Can’t Fill Round Holes

CRMs were not designed for field sales reps. Period.

They are rarely user-friendly (more like never user-friendly), requiring demo session after demo session after demo session. You know the drill.

Your eyes get glazed and everyone on the call is falling asleep, saying to themselves, “I have no idea what these people are talking about. This is supposed to help me? Sound more like torture…” It all becomes another “let me just ‘check’ the box and move forward type thing.”

Combined with forecast inaccuracies, this can make any sales reps’ job and life 10,000% more difficult. This tool is supposed to make a sales rep’s job easier. So what’s the solution?

While some would suggest that it is just a matter of perspective, it’s 2017. We don’t have to settle for subpar and dated sales tech that never worked for us in the first place.

No CRMs Needed; ProSellus Growth Engineers Can Streamline Your Business

Don’t dive into confusing and overwhelming CRMs like Salesforce and a whole host of others. Here’s the big “secret”: you don’t need a CRM to maximize your success as a medical device sales rep. Maybe you need something that was actually designed FOR you by people LIKE you.

I say this with love: it is time to step away from the spreadsheet and come into the digital age.

Noted sales guru Geoffrey James said this in 2008: “If CRMs actually made it easier to sell, sales pros would be clamoring for it.” ProSellus is exactly the tool healthcare sales reps need to ditch the CRM forever. Not only does it combine the data management aspect of CRMs, it can track your territory, help you keep in touch with current clients, connect with new prospects.find the physicians you need to be talking to — the works. It’s a healthcare data “brain” with CRM features.

Interested in learning more? Email me at Say goodbye to CRM and spreadsheets and hello to your all-in-one sales enablement tool. And lastly, for entertainment purposes, feel free to reply with your, “Top 5 Reasons for Hating CRM’s”. I’d love to hear them!
