
Social Media Meets Customer Management

What if LinkedIn and Salesforce Had a Baby?

Are traditional Customer Relationship Management (CRM’s) tools a thing of the past?



That was fast.

That’s the world we live in today: a world of social media and heightened interconnectivity. Emerging as a “thought leader” in any industry seems impossible since markets and audiences change seemingly overnight, but when you create an entirely new approach to sales strategies, it’s easy to stand out.

According to Howard Burton, CEO and Founder of, the CRM craze of the last 10 years has produced an outcry for a more comprehensive tool. He talks about the need for technologies and strategies included under the genre “Sales Acceleration”.  These technologies do exactly what they say they do: accelerate your time and efforts into sales. Every company with a service or product wants to increase sales margins and add new sales leads. The trick now is this: how to acquire these sales in less time?  Technologies which fit into the sales acceleration category are designed to do just that.  These companies take on many different looks, for example: faster/better email platforms, lead generation tools, and role-playing tools (just to name a few).

But, the 2 keys to Burton’s article are the following:

  1. CRM tools aren’t enough. “And while customer relationship management software has done wonders in recent years in storing client data and improving collaboration, it just doesn’t do enough to influence the outcome of deals. Sales acceleration tools can bridge the gap between sales intelligence data and customer calls, by providing representatives with the right data in a useful context – during sales calls.”
  1. Keep a Competitive Edge.  “Demand for sales representatives is up, according to the Bridge Group.  And companies are recruiting less experienced sales reps as a result.” “According to data from the TAS Group, 67% of reps don’t hit their numbers.  Sure there will always be all-star sales reps and underachievers. But these days technology can help far more reps perform like A players.”

Without question, the world is changing.  As much as we may love how things have always been, it’s time to start changing to keep up with our evolving industries or get left behind. So, the question you have to ask yourself is this: “Is my healthcare sales company doing all it can for its sales reps? Are we providing tools to help far more reps perform like A players, even if historically they haven’t been?”

What is your healthcare sales company doing, outside of CRM, to make sure your sales reps have the most impactful data, in a platform your reps will actually use during sales calls – all at their fingertips? Is there a way to merge the connectivity of LinkedIn with the customer management of Salesforce?  If you are at a loss for answers, email me at and let’s talk about how ProSellus can transform your sales growth today.


Modern Service – Old School Mindset

Modern Services with an Old School Mindset

By now, you’re familiar with the movers and shakers of ProSellus, but you may still be wondering just what we mean when we call ourselves, “Sales Growth Engineers”. To get a full scope of our company philosophy, you need to know more about three things: modern business structure, Growth Hacking, and old fashioned business practices.

“Modern business structure” is one of those phrases that can leave you scratching your head, but all it correlates to is how a company is built and how it operates. Your typical corporation will be comprised of dozens of departments or pods under one umbrella, but many modern businesses operate on a much more lean business anatomy. Rather than diving into every single cookie jar, businesses develop business relationships with companies which offer services they will utilize and work in tandem in order to achieve its goals.

This exact mindset describes every aspect of ProSellus, but that means it requires different strategies for growth than your average company. A set of techniques known as “Growth Hacking” mainly focus on search engine optimization, content creation and implementation, and social media, but the philosophy is this: utilize a distinct brand identity and tools of the modern age to boost your company’s visibility and reach. Again, a mindset that describes every aspect of our company and focuses on streamlining processes for maximum efficiency and results.

Finally, with so many contemporary and forward-thinking business mantras, we wanted to root our Software System in something everyone understands and respects: old fashioned business practices. This means a commitment to excellence, our word being our bond, and delivering a fantastic service or product. By using all of the technological tools at our disposal and still forging people-to-people relationships, ProSellus intends to increase productivity for all Medical Device Sales Reps.

The 3 facets of the ProSellus Linx Solution: ProSight, ProConnect, and ProIntel – all offer various strategies and knowledge to help build a significant network and insights never before captured. You can then utilize that network and those insights to bolster and boost your sales – hence the nickname for ProSellus: “Sales Growth Engineers.” Put that entrepreneurial mindset to work smarter, not harder!

ProSellus – Sales Growth Engineers

ProSellus – The Sales Growth Engineers

Take a look around the business landscape in 2016. What do you see?

New lean, service-based companies like Uber, Air BnB, or Door Dash. Even one of the dozens of dry cleaning pickup and delivery companies. As a result of service needs, these companies are gaining traction, but there is something more to it.

What is the one thing all of these apps and companies have in common?

They connect people. They enhance the way we do business by making operations more efficient and easier for everyone. Moreover, they are sales growth engineers.


My name is Scott Walle, co-founder of ProSellus. This is the first ever comprehensive Medical Device Sales Acceleration Software tool designed specifically with the Sales Reps in mind. Not only that, sales growth engineers designed it for max efficiency.  

The ultimate goal is to help my fellow Medical Device Sales Reps. This tool enables sales reps to avoid the hundreds of hours I spent fostering positive business relationships, pouring over Google searches of various specialties, and building bridges where people thought they never needed to be built. None of it would have started if not for a classmate of mine from Rice University. We both attended an entrepreneurship class to develop a hypothetical company and…well, that company became a reality.

That’s right – this revolutionary product originated as a Business School class project.

I knew  I wanted to combine my passion for connecting people and my knack in the world of medical sales to replicate what I had done for so many years. But, I wanted to do it using a much more efficient, proficient, and powerful format.

My co-founder and I conceived the idea organically. We thought of a software product that acts as a database of medical specialists, high-prescriber information, and industry & referral relationships. It also acts as a management tool for your sales contacts and customers. The inspiration for such a concept? My own personal experiences working as a Sales Rep in the Medical Device industry for almost 15 years.

How My Own Sales Growth Mentality Developed

Due to attempts at showing compassion for my customers, I noticed how few physicians knew people in other specialties. More importantly, I noticed how they could help my other customers.

I had a lightbulb moment.

Through connecting these specialists and building stalwart business relationships, I could play an important role of connecting specialty physicians with my customers. As a result, more patients could receive groundbreaking therapies they otherwise may have never received.  

I wanted to establish a collaborative environment. But that meant that I had to research the obstacles physicians faced across multiple specialties. In developing this hypothetical company, I thought, “Wouldn’t it be great if I could spare my fellow sales reps all of the hard work I put into the development of this concept?” Thus, ProSellus was born!

When we call ourselves “Sales Growth Engineers”, it isn’t a hollow title meant to stir up arbitrary hype. It is a mission statement that means an expanded market, increased efficiency, and a brand new networking tool to incorporate into your marketing strategies. ProSellus: where social media and CRMs collide to produce actionable results. For more information, feel free to reach out to me at I’m always eager to hear the stories from Medical Device Sales Reps to see if I can augment their operations in any way possible. That’s my philosophy and the ProSellus philosophy too!
