All-in-One Advancements for Medical Sales Reps

Trending: All-in-One Advancements

Quick! Think of your all time favorite accessory. Was it a pocket knife? A smartphone? Maybe it was just your favorite travel mug that keeps hot coffee blazing and iced coffee chilled. What’s the one thing all of those products have in common: multi-tasking. They also happen to be entirely portable (ignoring the fact that smartphones require charging cables). This isn’t just a trend in accessories or movies (apparently). It’s happening in healthcare, too.

A Field Medic’s Plug ‘n’ Play Solution

We live in an age where you can instantly connect with someone halfway across the world. You can also create 3D printed limbs and potentially heal wounds using synthetic polymers. One of the latest incredible innovations is the DOT Telemedicine backpack by swyMed. This all-in-one tool combines everything a physician might need with the power of connectivity. This means you can connect with someone quickly to render a diagnosis or to provide medical help. With 15 hours of battery life and secure connections, this backpack instantly links doctors to any patient. Hmm…having power at your fingertips…that sounds familiar.

The Multitasking “Must Have” for Medical Sales Reps

Similarly to the swyMed DOT Telemedicine backpack, the ProSellus Software System seeks to streamline the process of forming connections and other duties of Healthcare Sales Reps. After all, data means nothing if you can’t organize and implement it.  How many times as an Executive at a Healthcare Firm or a Salesperson at one of these firms were you sent a 450,000 row Excel document with the directions to “filter” appropriately to find the best targets?  This may be a big secret to the marketing folks who sent this information but the reality is, most reps never open the document.  As soon as they see an Excel attachment they immediately begin to feel the anxiety or embarrassment of not know what to do with this huge (in their minds) file.  You see, that’s not what we salespeople do.  We don’t slice and dice Excel or CSV files.  We talk to people.  We detail customers. We use maps and “Waze” on our phones and tablets to get us where we need to go.  Excel and CSV is NOT what we do.  So, unfortunately, all that data that you think is just unbelievably  great and there’s NO WAY we can’t make our number because of all this great “data” you sent us; yeah, it never gets opened, much less filtered.

With ProSellus you can put all that “unbelievable” data to work for you in the form of actionable intelligence and sales acceleration. What a novel idea… Let’s put data in a format that is intuitive and makes sense to salespeople.  I mean, they are after all the people who is actually going to put it to use right?

A day in the life of a medical sales rep is never the same, but it’s always an adventure. Learn how to take control of the social networks of your current clients to grow your business. If the brainchild of Salesforce and LinkedIn sounds like a party to you, you need ProSellus in your life. Email me at and let’s explore your growth possibilities.

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