How Can ProSellus Revolutionize your Healthcare Business?

If you are in healthcare sales, you might want to learn about ProSellus. If you aren’t familiar with the services that the ProSellus CRM offers, we can fix that right now. Spoiler alert: we talk the talk AND walk the walk, especially when it comes to healthcare sales and marketing.

Healthcare Data & Territory Management

Data and territory management are crucial for a healthcare rep. If you start losing track of your territory, you might as well pack it up and choose a new career. It’s a rep-eat-rep (or dog-eat-dog, whichever you prefer) world out there, so you have to think 12 steps ahead of everyone else. Luckily for you, the ProSellus CRM can help you do just that. Think of our tool as LinkedIn meets Salesforce with the ease of use of your favorite smartphone app – it hunts leads, makes connections and tracks sales activity & performance all in one mobile device – and is simple simple simple to use.. Whether you’re a lone wolf or part of a sales team, a streamlined data and territory management tool – that isn’t clunky and complicated – for sales reps is a bit of a unicorn.


Relationship Building, Management, & Leverage

Your physician customers are your gateways to success or your path to ruin. Establishing value of your product matters, but so does establishing a connection. In our previous blogs, we’ve talked about how to create a win/win environment for yourself and your physician. If there is a higher chance of the cost/benefit analysis weighing in the physician’s favor, you’re more likely to close the deal. On the flip side, you also have a higher chance of success if you’ve established a relationship with the physician by creating/providing value.

On top of that, you can leverage that physician’s professional network using an advanced sales technique known as sales acceleration.  If you’re drawing blanks when we mention the term “sales acceleration”, you should do some reading on our blog. You might just learn a thing or two! We are giving away many secrets that will make any healthcare sales organization bust through the competitive ceiling. Let’s put it this way: if you had healthcare data built inside your CRM that delivered key intelligence for you to accelerate deals – would you use it?


Portability, Versatility, & Organization

In today’s exceedingly busy world, you have to do ten things at once, on one leg, while dribbling a basketball. Being able to tackle things on-the-go is paramount for a healthcare sales rep. Not only that, you have to be able to stay organized easily. If it takes you hours and hours to sift through information or data, that’s not very useful, is it? Time is money, reputation, and a precious few hours of sleep. But if you stay hungry, ProSellus can do more than put food on your metaphorical table; it will help you make a feast in no time.

Curious for more? Email me,, and let’s talk all things healthcare sales. I can’t wait to see how ProSellus can transform your business. Pro-tip: individuals in healthcare sales, small healthcare businesses, or enterprise level healthcare companies can apply. We pride ourselves on accessibility (another important factor in establishing value and relationships).

Before you move onto your next big deal, do me a favor and ask yourself one thing: what are my goals for 2018? What about 2020? Think BIG. ProSellus is too!!!

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