Modern Service – Old School Mindset

Modern Services with an Old School Mindset

By now, you’re familiar with the movers and shakers of ProSellus, but you may still be wondering just what we mean when we call ourselves, “Sales Growth Engineers”. To get a full scope of our company philosophy, you need to know more about three things: modern business structure, Growth Hacking, and old fashioned business practices.

“Modern business structure” is one of those phrases that can leave you scratching your head, but all it correlates to is how a company is built and how it operates. Your typical corporation will be comprised of dozens of departments or pods under one umbrella, but many modern businesses operate on a much more lean business anatomy. Rather than diving into every single cookie jar, businesses develop business relationships with companies which offer services they will utilize and work in tandem in order to achieve its goals.

This exact mindset describes every aspect of ProSellus, but that means it requires different strategies for growth than your average company. A set of techniques known as “Growth Hacking” mainly focus on search engine optimization, content creation and implementation, and social media, but the philosophy is this: utilize a distinct brand identity and tools of the modern age to boost your company’s visibility and reach. Again, a mindset that describes every aspect of our company and focuses on streamlining processes for maximum efficiency and results.

Finally, with so many contemporary and forward-thinking business mantras, we wanted to root our Software System in something everyone understands and respects: old fashioned business practices. This means a commitment to excellence, our word being our bond, and delivering a fantastic service or product. By using all of the technological tools at our disposal and still forging people-to-people relationships, ProSellus intends to increase productivity for all Medical Device Sales Reps.

The 3 facets of the ProSellus Linx Solution: ProSight, ProConnect, and ProIntel – all offer various strategies and knowledge to help build a significant network and insights never before captured. You can then utilize that network and those insights to bolster and boost your sales – hence the nickname for ProSellus: “Sales Growth Engineers.” Put that entrepreneurial mindset to work smarter, not harder!

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